By car, without getting lost
Here are the recommended routes to Saint-Lary!
From Toulouse: A64 to Lannemezan (exit 16) then RD 929 to Saint-Lary.
From Bordeaux: A65 to Lescar then A64 to Lannemezan (exit 16) and RD 929 to Saint-Lary.
Direct access from Spain through the Aragnouet - Bielsa tunnel.

SkiGo, more than just a bus!
SkiGo provides you with a day trip from Toulouse to Saint-Lary and offers you breathtaking prices! It's a good thing we're going to the great outdoors!
My all-inclusive ski pack: A 1-day Grand Domaine ski pass in Saint-Lary
+ Return travel from Toulouse/Colomiers
+ Discounts on equipment hire