1 Pass multistation !

Access the Pyrenean resorts of Font-Romeu Pyrénées 2000 and Saint-Lary, with ONE card: the Skizam ski pass.
Benefits :

  • - 20 % on your ski day
  • Days offered
  • Family Membership Offer
  • First clues
  • Tail docking
  • Pick up at the station, (shipping possible under conditions)
  • Optional ski insurance
  • - 20% on your summer passes (except paragliding passes)

How do I get my Skizam ski pass?

1 Multi-station Pass

Access the Pyrenean resorts of Font-Romeu Pyrénées 2000 and Saint-Lary, with ONE card: the Skizam ski pass.

The benefits of the Skizam pass!

Skizam - 20 % sur votre journée de ski

- 20 % on your ski day

Ski in peace in Font-Romeu Pyrénées 2000 and Saint-Lary, with a 20 % reduction on the daily ski price in each resort, you can find the prices for each resort by clicking here. 

Skizam Journées offertes

Days offered

Every 6 days of skiing paid with-20% discount, the next day is offered to you. Your 7, 14, 21 days off!


Skizam Offre adhésion famille

Family Membership Offer

The fourth subscription to the Skizam offer is free, this reduction is applied automatically when you subscribe.
This advantage is only valid for 4 memberships that are made in the same transaction.

Skizam Premières traces

First traces

Supervised by a court service staff, come and live a VIP experience in our areas!
Reservation service, limited places.

For reservations, please contact the resort of your choice.

Skizam : Retrait gratuit en station (envoi possible sous conditions)

Pick up in station (shipping possible under conditions)

To get your Skizam, you have two options: home delivery (shipping possible under conditions) or free pickup at the resort of your choice!
Delivery within 7 days in France or within 10 days for other countries.

Skizam Coupe file

Fast Pass

Priority must be given to the lifts, to make the most of our slopes!
Reservation service, limited places.
For reservations, contact the resort of your choice

Skizam Assurance ski facultative

Optional ski insurance

Ski insurance costs €10 per season with Skizam! This insurance allows you to ski with complete peace of mind. 
Learn more about ski insurance.

- 20% sur vos forfaits remontées mécaniques été (hors forfait parapente)

- 20% in summer

Skizam is also summer, enjoy calmly in Font-Romeu Pyrénées 2000 and Saint-Lary, with a 20% discount on the prices of the ski lifts, in each of the seasons, you can find the prices of each season by clicking here. 


Your Skizam ski card

Les avantages Skizam



  • I lost my ski pass, what should I do?
    Contactez nous dans les plus brefs délais.
  • I skied at two resorts on the same day.. But they charged me twice. It is normal?
    The first step through a station terminals activates a lift pass. If you choose to ski at multiple resorts on the same day, you will be charged for as many ski days as resorts visited.
  • Are my bank details safe?
    Vos données bancaires sont cryptées et nous n'y avons pas accès. Notre prestataire vente en ligne quant à lui s'engage à protéger ces données et à faire le nécessaire pour respecter la réglementation en vigueur (notamment le RGPD - réglement général sur la protection des données)
  • When will I be billed?
    Lorsque vous adhérez à Skizam, votre compte client est relié à une carte bancaire. 
     Toute les semaines vous êtes facturés de vos consommations de la semaine passée. En cas de problème de paiement, votre forfait sera bloqué et vous serez mis en contact avec le service client.
  • Can I lend my subscription card to a friend?
    Non ce n'est pas possible puisqu'il s'agit d'un forfait nominatif. 
  • Can I use my pass for half a day?
    C'est possible, cependant vous serez débité du prix d'une journée entière. 
  • The station was partially open today and the fee was reduced at the ticket offices. What will it be for me?

    When the price at the checkout is lowered (partial closure of the station due to bad weather, for example) we take the average price of the day as the base price and apply the 20% reduction to which you are entitled. 


1 multi-gated pass


Sign up for the Skizam program for €40/person (single price)
PROMOTION at €15 instead of €40 for your renewal, and €20 for a first purchase, this promotional rate is valid until the station opening date.

With your Skizam pass, ski with a reduction ranging from -20% to -30% off the day rate and enjoy your 7th, 12th and 17th day of skiing free!

For the Saint-Lary station

  Season (until 03/30/25)

Season (until 03/30/25)

From 8th to the 11th day skied From the 13th to the 20th day 

  Public rate Your daily rate at -20% with your ski pass

Your day rate at -25% with your skizam pass

Your day rate at -30% with your skizam pass
1 day ADULT 53.00€ 42.40€ 39.75€ 37.10€
1 day REDUCED* 47,00€ 37.60€ 35.25€ 32.90€

*Reduced: youth 5-17 years, student 18-29 years, senior 65-74 years


For the Font-Romeu Pyrénées 2000 station


Season (until 03/14/25)

From the 1st to the 6th day skied

Season (until 03/14/25)

From the 8th to the 11th day skied

Season (until 03/14/25)

From the 13th to the 20th day skied

Spring skiing
(from 03/15 to 03/30/25)
From the 1st to the 6th day skied

Spring skiing
(from 03/15 to 03/30/25)
From the 8th to the 11th day skied

Spring skiing
(from 03/15 to 03/30/25)
From the 13th to the 20th day skied
  Public rate Your daily rate -20% with your ski pass Your daily rate -25% with your ski pass Your daily rate -30% with your ski pass Public rate Your daily rate -20% with your ski
Your daily rate -25% with your ski pass Your daily rate -30% with your ski pass
1 day ADULT 47.50€ 38€ 35.60€ 33.25€ 35.60€ 28.50€ 26.70€ 24.90€
1 day REDUCED* 40.50€ 32.40€ 30.40€ 28.35€ 30.40€ 24.30€ 22.80€ 21.30€

*Reduced: youth 5-17 years, student 18-29 years, senior 65-74 years

Any questions about the Skizam ski pass?

Feel free to contact usHERE 

Telephone : +33 (0)5-32-800-800

Du 10 mars à la fermeture de la station

Envie de faire découvrir Saint-Lary à vos proches tout en profitant d'avantages exclusifs ?
Du 10 au 30 mars 2025, invitez jusqu'à 4 personnes.
Les avantages :

Vous avez jusqu'au 30 MARS pour inviter 4 personnes et obtenir votre renouvellement d'adhésion Skizam gratuit pour 2025-2026
-50 % sur le forfait journée pour vos invités
(de 1 à 4 personnes maximum) 👉Tarif du Forfait pour votre invité 26.50€
Je profite du coupe-file ainsi que mon invité (à réserver quelques jours avant)
Mon invité bénéficiera de la promotion adhésion SKIZAM 2025-2026 à 15 €

Comment en profiter ?

L’adhérent SKIZAM badge sa carte Skizam en caisse et sera prélevé de sa journée siée avec sa remise. L’offre est valable pour la même date de ski.
Caisse prioritaire SKIZAM à la Télécabine Village – Guichet N°1 – Sonnez le buzzer !